23 Fun Facts About Corey Taylor That Will Blow Your Mind

by Coco

Corey Taylor, the charismatic frontman of Slipknot and Stone Sour, is not only known for his powerful voice and raw energy on stage but also for his larger-than-life personality offstage. From pranks on tour to unexpected encounters with fans, Corey has collected a treasure trove of hilarious and unforgettable stories throughout his career. He’s not afraid to laugh at himself, and his tales prove that even rock legends can have their fair share of comical moments. Here are 23 of his best anecdotes that will make you chuckle, gasp, and maybe even see Corey in a whole new light!

1. The Time He Got Stuck in a Mascot Costume

One of Corey’s funniest on-stage disasters happened when he decided to surprise the audience during a festival by dressing as a giant chicken mascot for the opening number. Unfortunately, things went hilariously wrong when the zipper jammed, and Corey couldn’t escape the costume. Despite his best efforts, he was forced to sing the entire first song in the sweltering suit, leaving both his bandmates and the audience in fits of laughter. By the end, Corey was sweating bullets but laughing just as hard as everyone else.

2. The “Scarecrow” Prank War

Corey and his Slipknot bandmates have been known for their intense stage performances, but behind the scenes, they’re all about pranks. One time, while on tour, Corey decided to fill his drummer’s hotel room with life-sized scarecrows—each one positioned in increasingly creepy spots. The prank escalated when his bandmate retaliated by placing a scarecrow in Corey’s shower, causing him to scream like a horror movie victim. The prank war went down in band history as one of the most terrifying and hilarious.

3. That Time He Forgot His Own Lyrics

Even the most seasoned rockstars can have a brain freeze! During a Stone Sour concert, Corey completely blanked on the lyrics to one of the band’s most popular songs. Instead of panicking, he turned to the crowd and said, “Well, it looks like you guys are singing this one!” The fans took over, and Corey spent the rest of the song dancing and laughing along with them. He later joked that it was a new version of “crowd-sourced vocals.”

4. The Unexpected Shower Duet

In one of the most bizarre fan encounters ever, Corey was once staying at a hotel when he decided to take a late-night shower after a gig. Mid-shower, he suddenly heard someone singing one of Slipknot’s songs—from the bathroom next door! Confused but amused, Corey started singing along, and before he knew it, he was having a duet with a die-hard fan through the wall. They finished the song together, and Corey couldn’t stop laughing, realizing that rockstars never get a break—even in the shower!

5. The Wardrobe Malfunction

Corey is known for his energetic stage presence, but sometimes that energy can have unintended consequences. During a particularly wild performance, he jumped into a crowd, only to have his pants rip right down the middle. The tear was so bad that half the audience got a little more Corey Taylor than they bargained for! Laughing it off, Corey continued the show with half a pair of pants and joked that it was his new “rock and roll fashion statement.”

6. The Band’s Terrifying Haunted House Tour

Corey and his bandmates once decided to visit a supposedly haunted house while on tour. Thinking they could handle a few ghosts, the group set out to explore the creepy mansion. But when strange noises started echoing through the halls and mysterious figures appeared in the shadows, they quickly realized they were in over their heads. Corey, usually the fearless leader, was the first to bolt for the door, screaming and laughing the whole way. He later admitted he was more scared than he’s ever been on stage.

7. The Halloween Mishap

One Halloween, Corey decided to go all out with a terrifying costume for a band party. He dressed as a zombie, complete with gruesome makeup and fake blood. The only problem? The party was actually a family-friendly event, and most of the guests were in silly, light-hearted costumes. Corey spent the night accidentally scaring small children and apologizing to horrified parents. By the end of the night, he swapped his zombie mask for a smile, proving that sometimes even rockstars can overdo it!

8. The Time He Was Mistaken for a Security Guard

Despite his fame, Corey is often unrecognizable without his stage makeup. During a music festival, a fan mistook him for a security guard and asked if she could get backstage to see Corey Taylor. Amused, Corey played along, saying, “Sure, but you’ll have to wait in line.” After a few minutes, he finally revealed his identity, and the fan’s shocked reaction had everyone nearby in stitches. Corey later joked that maybe it was time for a career change.

9. The Crazy Taxi Ride

While on tour in Europe, Corey and a few friends hopped into a taxi, expecting a normal ride. But what they got was anything but ordinary. The driver, a huge Slipknot fan, recognized Corey immediately and proceeded to blast their latest album at full volume while singing every lyric. Corey and his friends were treated to a high-speed, adrenaline-fueled karaoke session, complete with the driver’s enthusiastic headbanging. It was the wildest—and loudest—taxi ride Corey had ever experienced!

10. The Accidental Firework Show

Corey once decided to put on his own fireworks display to celebrate the Fourth of July. But things quickly went south when one of the fireworks malfunctioned and shot directly into the band’s equipment trailer, causing a minor explosion. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but Corey and his bandmates were left running for cover, laughing at the chaotic scene. The event became known as “Corey’s Firework Fiasco,” and he vowed to leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals from then on.

11. The Fan Who Didn’t Recognize Him

Corey loves meeting his fans, but one encounter left him scratching his head. At a coffee shop, a fan struck up a conversation with him, excitedly talking about how much they loved Slipknot. The fan went on and on about Corey Taylor, but hilariously didn’t recognize the man they were speaking to. Corey decided not to reveal his identity, and instead, he asked them for an autograph. The fan’s confused reaction was priceless, and Corey walked away with a great story and a signed coffee cup.

12. The Slip-and-Slide Tour

During one particularly rainy festival, the backstage area turned into a mud pit. Never one to let a little mud ruin his day, Corey and his bandmates decided to turn the slippery ground into an impromptu slip-and-slide. They spent hours racing each other, covered head to toe in mud, much to the amusement of the road crew. Corey later said it was one of the best festival experiences he’s ever had, proving that sometimes the messiest moments are the most fun.

13. The Karaoke Disaster

Corey may be a rock legend, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to a karaoke disaster. One night, while out with friends, he decided to belt out a pop song for fun. Unfortunately, he completely butchered the lyrics, forgetting half the words and singing the wrong chorus. His friends—and the entire bar—were in hysterics, watching a rockstar struggle with karaoke. Corey laughed it off, calling it the most “un-metal” thing he’d ever done.

14. The Tattoo Gone Wrong

Corey has plenty of tattoos, but one stands out for all the wrong reasons. He once got a tattoo while on tour, only to realize later that it was misspelled! Rather than getting it fixed, Corey embraced the mistake, saying it added to the “rock and roll charm.” The tattoo became a running joke among his friends, and Corey often shows it off as a reminder that even rockstars aren’t perfect.

15. The Epic Food Fight

During a particularly wild afterparty, Corey and his bandmates ended up in the middle of an epic food fight. What started as a few tossed rolls quickly escalated into a full-on battle, with pizza, drinks, and even cake flying through the air. Corey, of course, was at the center of the chaos, dodging spaghetti and laughing hysterically. The food fight went down as one of the most memorable—and messiest—nights of the tour.

16. The Time He Got Lost in a Venue

It’s hard to imagine a rockstar getting lost, but that’s exactly what happened to Corey at a massive festival venue. After a performance, he tried to find his way back to the dressing room but ended up wandering through a maze of backstage hallways. After what felt like hours, Corey finally stumbled upon a group of fans, who were more than happy to give him directions. He laughed about it afterward, saying it was the least rockstar thing that had ever happened to him.

17. The Epic Guitar Fail

Corey is a skilled musician, but even he has his off days. During a soundcheck, he attempted to pull off a complicated guitar solo, only to have his guitar strap snap mid-riff. The guitar went flying, and Corey was left holding an air guitar while his bandmates burst out laughing. He played it off like a pro, though, miming the rest of the solo with a grin on his face. The crew quickly dubbed it the “phantom guitar solo,” and it became one of the most talked-about moments of the tour.

18. The Surprise Birthday Cake Smash

Corey’s bandmates love to prank him, and one of their favorite tricks involved a birthday cake. On his birthday, they surprised him on stage with a massive cake. But instead of the usual celebration, Corey found himself on the receiving end of a cake smash to the face. Covered in frosting, he couldn’t stop laughing, and the audience loved every second of it. It became a tradition for his birthdays—no cake was safe around Slipknot.

19. The Forgotten Wallet Incident

During a tour in Australia, Corey once forgot his wallet at a restaurant, and it wasn’t until he was halfway across the city that he realized it. Panicked, he called the restaurant, only to find out that a fan had picked it up and turned it in. When he returned to get it, the fan asked for a photo in exchange. Corey gladly obliged, and the fan walked away with an unforgettable story—and a selfie with their rock idol.

20. The Legendary “Rockstar Nap”

Being a rockstar can be exhausting, and even Corey needs his rest. During a tour, he found himself so tired that he decided to take a quick nap backstage before the show. Unfortunately, he slept through the opening act, and his bandmates had to wake him up just minutes before they were due on stage. Corey scrambled to get ready, but in true rockstar fashion, he pulled it off, walking on stage with bedhead and all. He later joked that it was the most rock and roll nap he’d ever taken.

21. The Fan Who Proposed on Stage

Corey has seen a lot of crazy things during his concerts, but one of the most memorable moments was when a fan proposed to their significant other on stage. The fan held up a sign asking if they could propose, and Corey, always game for a good surprise, invited them up. The proposal went off without a hitch, and the couple even got a shout-out from Corey mid-song. It was a heartwarming—and hilarious—moment that the couple and audience will never forget.

22. The “Uninvited Guest” on the Tour Bus

While on tour, Corey and his bandmates once discovered an uninvited guest on their tour bus—a raccoon! The little critter had somehow snuck onboard and was happily rummaging through their snacks. Chaos ensued as the band tried to figure out how to catch the raccoon without getting scratched. Corey, armed with a broom, was the one who finally managed to shoo the intruder off the bus, but not before getting a few bites taken out of his favorite chips.

23. The Ultimate Fan Interaction

Corey loves his fans, but one interaction stands out as both hilarious and awkward. During a meet-and-greet, a fan brought him a baby to sign. Completely unsure of what to do, Corey ended up signing the baby’s onesie, while trying not to laugh at the surreal situation. He later joked that it was the strangest autograph request he’d ever received, but one he’ll never forget.

see also: 13 Fun Facts About Tracy Lawrence


Corey Taylor’s life is full of wild stories, unexpected moments, and plenty of laughs. Whether he’s rocking out on stage, pulling pranks on his bandmates, or just trying to survive a day on tour, Corey’s larger-than-life personality always shines through. His anecdotes remind us that even the biggest rockstars have their fair share of hilarious and unexpected moments—and that life’s better when you can laugh at yourself.

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