Lucy Hale Reflects on Sobriety and Recovery: ‘Life Feels So Good Now’

by Coco

Lucy Hale, the actress known for her role in Pretty Little Liars, is celebrating two and a half years of sobriety and sharing her transformative journey with PEOPLE. Hale, who will be honored with the 2024 Humanitarian Award from Friendly House, a women’s addiction recovery center, reflects on her path to recovery and the profound impact it has had on her life.

“When I got sober, my intention was never to become a symbol of sobriety,” Hale reveals. “But as I began to talk about it, it was a way to heal and reclaim my power.” Her openness has been met with heartfelt responses from those who relate to her experience, a reaction Hale describes as “the biggest gift.” Her recent visit to Friendly House LA, where she witnessed the powerful transformations of women in recovery, was particularly moving for her.

Looking back, Hale acknowledges how unimaginable it would have seemed to her younger self that she would be celebrated for her sobriety. “I’m amazed that I’m in a place where I can openly discuss the things that once filled me with shame,” she admits.

Hale’s struggles with alcohol began in her teenage years. “I felt alone and misunderstood, so I turned to alcohol to shut my mind off,” she recalls. “It worked for a while but eventually, things took a dark turn.” Her 20s were marked by a relentless battle with addiction, punctuated by numerous relapses and moments of despair. Despite the challenges, Hale emphasizes that overcoming addiction is a complex process, involving more than just abstaining from alcohol.

Her career on Pretty Little Liars provided a critical anchor during her struggles. “That show was my North Star,” Hale says. “Without it, I’m not sure I would have made it through.” The show offered her purpose and stability, even as she grappled with severe depression and anxiety, which only exacerbated her drinking.

The turning point came at 32 when Hale hit rock bottom. “On January 2, 2022, I made a choice to do everything I could to get sober,” she remembers. “I knew that if I continued down that path, I would lose everything I cared about. It was the scariest decision of my life but also the best one.” The change brought profound shifts in her life, offering her a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Hale admits that the journey remains challenging but rewarding. “Every day, I have to choose to stay sober and prioritize myself,” she says. “It’s more than just not drinking; it’s about embracing a new way of living.”

Today, Hale describes her life as more peaceful and her mindset as focused on staying present. “Sobriety has taught me to enjoy each moment and be as present as possible,” she explains. “My life is good now, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”

Hale is also learning to embrace her authentic self, appreciating the freedom of showing up as she truly is. “I’m grateful for this journey and for finally being able to be myself without pretense,” she concludes. “It’s been a wild ride, but I’m incredibly thankful for where I am now.”

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