At age 66, renowned actress Angela Bassett has finally won her first Emmy after nine career nominations. The star, celebrated for her work across film and television, took home the award for Best Narrator at the 2024 Creative Arts Emmys on September 7 for her captivating narration in Queens, a National Geographic docuseries focused on matriarchies in nature.
Bassett, visibly emotional as she accepted the honor, expressed her surprise and gratitude. “Oh my God. Wow,” she said as she approached the microphone. “My first Emmy!” Following a round of applause, the Black Panther actress added, “It feels good… really, really good.”
In her heartfelt speech, Bassett thanked National Geographic, Wildstar Films, and the female directors behind the docuseries. “This incredible docuseries centered on the ferocious and magnificent things in the animal kingdom,” she said. “I couldn’t be more thrilled and more grateful.”
Reflecting on her milestone in the press room, Bassett shared her astonishment at receiving such a prestigious award. “This is one of the really, really big ones,” she said. “And that doesn’t usually happen.” She added, “I’m just a girl who wanted to act… I put my focus and love into making it happen in my life.”
The Emmy win comes just months after Bassett received her first Academy Award, an honorary Oscar recognizing her outstanding contributions to the film industry. Her career triumphs are a testament to her dedication and talent, spanning decades.
In her Instagram post, Bassett also expressed deep gratitude to those involved in creating Queens and reflected on the significance of the docuseries. “Thank you to @natgeotv, @Wildstarfilms, and the incredible directors, ALL WOMEN, who lent their brilliant talent to bring QUEENS to the screen,” she wrote. “I share this award with you.”
The Emmy win marks a significant achievement in Bassett’s celebrated career, which spans over three decades. Known for her powerful performances in films like What’s Love Got to Do with It, Malcolm X, and Black Panther, Bassett has long been a respected figure in Hollywood. Despite being nominated for an Emmy nine times throughout her career, this is the first time she has taken home the prestigious award.
This milestone comes just months after Bassett was honored with an Academy Award — an honorary Oscar in recognition of her contributions to the film industry. Her Emmy win adds another layer to an already extraordinary year, solidifying her as one of the most accomplished actors of her generation.
Bassett’s Emmy win for best narrator for Queens is especially meaningful as the docuseries shines a light on matriarchies within the animal kingdom, aligning with the actress’s long-standing advocacy for women’s empowerment and representation.
Fans and peers alike took to social media to congratulate Bassett, celebrating her resilience, talent, and ability to break barriers in the entertainment industry. The win not only cements her place in Emmy history but also highlights her continued commitment to using her voice — both literally and figuratively — to tell important and impactful stories.
Bassett’s win was part of the 2024 Creative Arts Emmy Awards, a ceremony held to honor technical and artistic achievements across various television genres. The main Emmy Awards will be held later in the month, but Bassett’s triumph has already set the stage for a memorable awards season.
With this win, Angela Bassett’s legendary career reaches new heights, and her legacy as a trailblazing artist continues to inspire future generations.