John Rich Reveals Divine Inspiration Behind New Song ‘Revelation’ to Combat ‘Satanic’ Media Content

by Coco

Country star John Rich recently disclosed that his latest single, “Revelation,” was divinely inspired to counter the “satanic” content promoted by the mainstream music industry, highlighting the escalating spiritual warfare.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Rich, known as one-half of the duo Big & Rich, explained that the song draws inspiration from the prophetic visions of the Apostle John in the Bible’s final book. Carlson noted that these topics are often avoided by many pastors.

“I was at home in Nashville, not even thinking about writing a song, when suddenly it felt like a hammer hit me in the back of the head,” the 50-year-old singer recounted. “When the Lord slaps you upside the head with something, you have a physical reaction to it. The message I felt was, ‘Take it all the way to the mat.’”

Rich felt compelled to write about the reckoning and the return of Christ, drawing heavily from biblical themes, especially Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The chorus of “Revelation” reflects this message: “Oh, Revelation, I can feel it coming, like a dark train running/ Oh, get ready ’cause the king is coming/ the king is coming back again.”

Rich emphasized the relevance of this message as mainstream media and entertainment continue to glorify satanic themes. “When you watch the Super Bowl halftime show or the Grammy Awards, you see them putting satanic symbolism right in your face,” he said. “They are practicing witchcraft on the stage right in front of you. You’re watching a football game or an award show with your kids, and now evil is coming straight at you. We’ve all seen this. Somebody has to counter that.”

Despite lacking a record label, Rich noted that “Revelation” has competed successfully against mainstream rapper Eminem on the music charts. “I looked up his record just to see what Eminem is doing. One of the titles on his record is just called ‘Evil,’ one is called ‘Lucifer,’ and one is called ‘Antichrist.’ How crazy is that?” he said.

Rich pointed out the stark contrast between his resources and those of Eminem, who benefits from massive record labels and huge budgets. “I don’t have anybody,” Rich said. “So, to watch those two songs sit there, co-existing, was pretty striking.”

The video for “Revelation” dramatizes the battle between the Archangel Michael and Satan, as described in Revelation 12. It concludes with Revelation 12:10-11: “And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”

Rich, whose father was a pastor, emphasized the reality of spiritual warfare. “The real war is not Trump and Biden, the real war is not left and right, the real war is not a culture war. It says in Ephesians, ‘We wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers and the rulers of spiritual darkness of this Earth, of this world.’ That is the battle; that’s the real battle.”

He continued, “When God says about Himself, ‘I am the same yesterday, today and forever, my Word does not change,’ we change, culture changes, the world changes, but He doesn’t. So, however, He dealt with things all the way back to the beginning of the written Word is exactly how He’s going to deal with them now and into the future. That is something people don’t want to come to grips with.”

Rich has frequently expressed his conservative beliefs and during his interview with Carlson, he credited God for saving former President Donald Trump’s life during an attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania. Rich emphasized that even the biggest detractors found it hard to deny divine intervention.

“They go, ‘What did I just watch?’” Rich said. “You just watched God turn Donald Trump’s head literally a split second, part of a second, right before the bullet whizzed by. I mean, if he’d still been looking this way, it catches him here. He turns this way, it catches him here. We all just watched it. I mean, think about God making His presence known on the biggest possible story you ever could, and the whole world just saw that? So, now you got people going, ‘OK, I believe it, I believe it.’ Because how do you deny that?”

Amid the misinformation promoted by mainstream media, Rich encouraged people to pray for “discernment” and seek answers in the Bible.

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