10 Astonishing Facts About Barabbas

by Coco

Barabbas, a notorious figure in biblical history, is best remembered for being freed instead of Jesus in one of the most dramatic scenes ever told. But what if we dug deeper into his lesser-known moments? Beyond his infamous trial, Barabbas led a colorful life full of strange and downright hilarious stories. From his wild antics to his unexpected escapes, these anecdotes paint a picture of a man who was always up to something. Here are 10 of the funniest and most unforgettable tales of Barabbas.

1. The Time Barabbas Tried to Invent the Wheel (and Failed)

Barabbas always fancied himself an inventor. One time, he tried his hand at creating a new kind of transportation—something that resembled a chariot, but without the horses. He proudly presented his creation to his band of followers, but as he tried to demonstrate it, the “wheels” (which were really just round rocks) refused to roll. The entire contraption crumbled in front of his audience, leaving Barabbas red-faced and his friends in fits of laughter. His followers never let him live that one down, always reminding him of his “revolutionary invention” that never made it past his backyard.

2. The Great Barabbas “Hide and Seek” Escape

Escaping from Roman soldiers became a regular hobby for Barabbas, but there was one particular escape that still has people talking. After being caught for stealing—again—he decided to play a game of hide and seek. He found the perfect hiding spot: inside a giant wine barrel. The soldiers searched high and low but never thought to check inside the barrel. Barabbas spent hours sitting quietly, sipping wine, while the soldiers scratched their heads. Eventually, they gave up, and Barabbas strolled out of the barrel, completely unnoticed and a little tipsy.

3. The Day Barabbas Thought He Was a Gladiator

Barabbas always had an inflated sense of confidence, and one day he decided he was destined for the gladiator arena. He confidently strutted into the Colosseum, ready to take on Rome’s fiercest warriors. However, the moment he saw the size of the first gladiator, his confidence evaporated. Instead of fighting, Barabbas faked an injury, rolling around on the ground claiming his “sword arm” was too weak. The audience was left in stitches as the “brave” Barabbas limped out of the arena, never to challenge a gladiator again.

4. The “Fish Incident” of Galilee

Not every job Barabbas tried his hand at went according to plan. Take, for instance, the time he decided to become a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. After borrowing a boat from a friend (without asking, of course), he set out to catch fish. Unfortunately, Barabbas didn’t realize he’d sailed into a restricted area—one where fishing was prohibited. When the Roman authorities found him, he tried to explain that he wasn’t fishing but merely “talking to the fish.” Needless to say, he ended up in hot water…literally, as his boat capsized shortly after.

5. Barabbas and the Not-So-Secret Secret Tunnel

Everyone loves a good secret tunnel, and Barabbas was no exception. After hearing rumors of a hidden passageway under a Roman prison, he was determined to find it. Armed with only a spoon, he started digging his way out of his cell. Days passed, and Barabbas thought he was making great progress—until he broke through into the prison kitchen! Instead of finding freedom, he found himself surrounded by bewildered cooks. Barabbas made the best of it by grabbing a loaf of bread and sprinting back to his cell before anyone could catch him.

6. The Time Barabbas Tried to Join a Band of Pirates

Never one to shy away from adventure, Barabbas once attempted to join a band of pirates. He envisioned a life of treasure and rum, but things didn’t go as planned. After boarding a ship and attempting to give orders (as if he were the captain), the real pirates were not amused. They promptly tied him to the mast and left him there while they sailed off into the horizon. Barabbas spent hours tangled up, eventually rescued by a passing merchant ship who mistook him for a damsel in distress. Talk about a blow to the ego!

7. Barabbas’ Mysterious Disappearance at the Market

Barabbas loved causing trouble wherever he went, but one day he took it to a new level. While wandering through a bustling marketplace, he decided to play a prank. He pretended to faint in the middle of the busiest street, causing a huge commotion. Vendors rushed over to help, but the moment they turned their backs, Barabbas popped up and disappeared into the crowd—only to repeat the trick at another stall. By the end of the day, everyone in the market was on high alert for the “Fainting Phantom,” who vanished as mysteriously as he appeared.

8. The Fake Fortune Teller Scheme

Not content with just causing mischief, Barabbas once decided to make some easy money by posing as a fortune teller. Dressed in robes and a fake beard, he set up shop in the city square, convincing people he could predict their futures. His predictions, however, were wildly inaccurate—telling one farmer he’d become a king and another that his donkey was actually a magical creature. It didn’t take long for the crowd to realize they were being duped. Barabbas had to make a quick getaway, leaving behind his crystal ball (which was really just a glass bowl).

9. The Infamous Donkey Race

Barabbas wasn’t just known for his troublemaking on foot—he also had a penchant for donkey races. One day, he bet his entire fortune (which wasn’t much) on a race, convinced he had the fastest donkey in town. But Barabbas’ donkey, stubborn as ever, refused to run. While the other donkeys bolted from the starting line, Barabbas’ steed stood perfectly still, munching on grass. Desperate, Barabbas got off and tried to push the donkey himself, much to the amusement of the crowd. Needless to say, he lost the race, but gained a reputation as the worst jockey in town.

10. The Time Barabbas Tried to Steal a Statue… and Got Stuck

In one of his more audacious acts, Barabbas once attempted to steal a small statue from a Roman temple. His plan? Sneak in at night and carry it off under the cover of darkness. The problem? The statue was a lot heavier than he anticipated. As he tried to lift it, he got stuck underneath, unable to move. When the temple guards found him the next morning, they couldn’t stop laughing. Barabbas was freed—only because the guards felt too bad for him to press charges.

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Barabbas may be infamous for his role in biblical history, but these hilarious and strange tales show a different side of the man. Whether he was outwitting Roman soldiers, inventing ridiculous schemes, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Barabbas certainly lived life to the fullest. His antics remind us that even historical figures had their not-so-serious moments, leaving behind a legacy of laughter.

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