13 True Facts About Greta Van Fleet

by Coco

Greta Van Fleet, the rock band that’s been captivating audiences with their Led Zeppelin-esque sound, is as famous for their energetic performances as they are for their off-stage antics. With their retro-rock vibe and youthful exuberance, the band has delivered not only unforgettable music but also a host of amusing stories that showcase their playful and sometimes downright hilarious personalities. From wild tour mishaps to quirky band traditions, these anecdotes offer a glimpse into the lighter side of Greta Van Fleet. Buckle up as we dive into some of their most entertaining moments.

1. The “Lost” Guitar Pick Saga

During a high-energy concert in Berlin, guitarist Jake Kiszka lost one of his favorite guitar picks mid-song. Instead of letting it ruin the performance, he decided to improvise with a new pick from the audience. “I’m pretty sure the new pick was from a kid who had never seen a guitar before,” Jake joked. Despite the hiccup, the performance was a hit, and the band later laughed about the mix-up in interviews, with Jake claiming he might have started a new trend in guitar picking.

2. The ‘Band vs. Van’ Food Fight

On a long tour stop, the band decided to have a little fun by organizing a food fight in their tour van. “It started with a simple prank—throwing a few snacks at each other,” frontman Josh Kiszka recalled. “Before we knew it, the whole van was a mess of spaghetti and cereal.” What was meant to be a quick laugh turned into an epic mess, with the band members spending hours cleaning up. “We probably should have just stuck to normal van games,” Josh quipped.

3. The “Accidental” Stage Dive

During a festival set in London, bassist Sam Kiszka took a leap off the stage during an energetic performance, intending to crowd-surf. Instead, he ended up colliding with a security guard who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. “It was like hitting a brick wall,” Sam laughed. “The crowd was cheering, but I think the security guard was more surprised than anyone.” Fortunately, everyone was okay, and the mishap only added to the legendary status of their London gig.

4. The Fashion Statement

The band is known for their distinctive retro style, but one memorable incident involved Josh Kiszka showing up to a music award show in a completely outlandish outfit—a bright red velvet suit with a feathered hat. “I thought I was making a fashion statement,” Josh said with a grin. “Turns out, it was more of a fashion fiasco.” The outfit became the talk of the event, and the band members still laugh about the bewildered looks they received.

5. The Impromptu Jam Session

While on tour in the US, Greta Van Fleet found themselves stuck in a small town with a broken-down tour bus. With nothing else to do, they decided to have an impromptu jam session at a local diner. “We turned the place into a makeshift concert hall,” drummer Danny Wagner remembered. “The locals were either really confused or incredibly entertained.” The session turned into an unforgettable night of music and fun, and the band still talks about it as one of their most spontaneous moments on tour.

6. The Haunted Hotel Room

During a European tour, the band stayed in an old hotel reputed to be haunted. While exploring the hotel, Josh Kiszka and Jake Kiszka decided to play a prank on their bandmates by pretending to be ghosts. “We had so much fun scaring the daylights out of everyone,” Josh said. “I think we might have actually scared ourselves a bit, too.” The prank added an extra layer of excitement to their stay, making it a memorable part of their tour.

7. The Unexpected Dance Party

At a post-show party in New York City, Greta Van Fleet decided to let loose and have some fun. When a local DJ started spinning some classic rock tunes, the band members spontaneously started a dance-off. “We had no idea we were such great dancers,” Jake Kiszka joked. “But it turned into one of those nights where we all just had a blast, showing off our moves and having a great time.” The dance party became a highlight of their tour, with plenty of laughs and good memories.

8. The Spontaneous Road Trip

During a break from touring, the band members decided to take a spontaneous road trip across the country. With no set destination in mind, they drove wherever the road took them, stopping at random attractions and roadside diners. “We turned what was supposed to be a quick trip into an epic adventure,” Sam Kiszka said. “It was like a rock-and-roll version of a classic road trip movie.” The trip was filled with quirky encounters and amusing stories, making it one of their most enjoyable experiences.

9. The “Best Band” Trophy

At a local music competition, Greta Van Fleet won a humorous trophy for being the “Best Band at Getting Lost Backstage.” “We couldn’t find our way out of a paper bag, let alone the backstage area,” Danny Wagner laughed. The trophy, a miniature golden compass, became a running joke among the band members. “It’s a constant reminder of our fantastic sense of direction,” Josh Kiszka joked. Despite their backstage navigation issues, their performance that night was a resounding success.

10. The Overzealous Stage Effects

During a particularly energetic show, the band’s pyrotechnics went a little haywire, creating a dramatic but unintended display of flames and smoke. “We were practically roasted alive,” Josh Kiszka said with a chuckle. “It was like playing a gig in a sauna.” The incident became one of their favorite stories to tell, with the band members looking back on it as an over-the-top but unforgettable part of their live show.

11. The Backstage Costume Party

At a music festival, Greta Van Fleet threw a backstage costume party for their crew and fellow artists. “Everyone came in the most outrageous costumes they could find,” Sam Kiszka recalled. “We had everything from superheroes to historical figures.” The party quickly turned into a costume contest, with the band members themselves donning some wild outfits. “It was one of those nights where everyone just let loose and had a blast,” Danny Wagner said.

12. The Sleep-Deprived Prank War

While on tour, the band members engaged in a prank war involving sleep-deprivation tactics. “We tried to outdo each other with increasingly elaborate pranks,” Jake Kiszka said. “By the end of it, we were all exhausted but laughing so hard we could barely stand.” The pranks ranged from harmless jokes to elaborate setups involving fake spiders and noisy alarms, making the tour even more entertaining despite the lack of sleep.

13. The Accidental Fan Message

In a humorous mix-up, Josh Kiszka accidentally sent a personal message meant for his bandmates to a fan. “I was trying to send a joke to the guys but ended up sending it to a fan instead,” he explained. “The fan thought it was an exclusive message and was thrilled.” The fan’s excited response led to a light-hearted exchange, with Josh eventually explaining the mistake and having a good laugh about it.


Greta Van Fleet’s anecdotes reveal a band that’s as dynamic and entertaining off-stage as they are on. From hilarious tour mishaps to spontaneous adventures and playful pranks, these stories highlight the band’s camaraderie and sense of humor. Whether they’re dealing with pyrotechnic mishaps or throwing impromptu dance parties, Greta Van Fleet’s fun-loving spirit shines through, making them not just rock stars but also entertainers who know how to enjoy every moment.

see also: 18 Fun Facts About Ray Charles

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