17 Fun Facts About David Allan Coe That Every Fan Should Know

by Coco

David Allan Coe, the outlaw country legend, is as famous for his rebellious attitude and colorful stories as he is for his gritty music. A man of many contradictions, Coe has led a life full of outrageous moments, and his anecdotes have become the stuff of legend. From run-ins with the law to unexpected encounters with fellow musicians, Coe’s life is like a country song come to life. Let’s dive into 17 wild and witty anecdotes that showcase the man behind the music.

1. The Time Coe Got Kicked Out of Prison

David Allan Coe’s outlaw persona was shaped by his time behind bars, but one of the funniest anecdotes is how he got kicked out of prison. After being incarcerated for a series of petty crimes, Coe allegedly annoyed the prison guards so much with his constant singing and rebellious behavior that they wanted him gone. According to the story, they told him he was more trouble inside than outside and booted him out early. Only Coe could turn a stint in prison into a hilarious tale.

2. The Legendary Tattoo Bet

During a tour with other outlaw country artists, Coe made a wild bet with his bandmates that he could get a tattoo in a place no one would dare. True to his word, Coe ended up getting a tattoo on his eyelid—a decision he apparently regretted the next morning. Despite the pain and the bizarre location, Coe wore it as a badge of honor, proving once again that he wasn’t afraid to push boundaries, even with ink.

3. That Time He Played a Concert for Bikers… in Prison

David Allan Coe’s love of the outlaw lifestyle was perfectly captured in a strange but hilarious moment when he performed a concert for a group of bikers—while they were all in prison. Coe, who had strong ties to motorcycle clubs, arranged the concert for friends who were doing time. The combination of the outlaw country vibe and the prison setting made for a surreal and unforgettable performance that only someone like Coe could pull off.

4. The “Ride in a Hearse” Era

For a while, Coe decided that driving around in a hearse was the ultimate way to make a statement. He purchased an old funeral car and turned it into his personal vehicle, cruising around town like the ultimate outlaw. This macabre ride became his signature for a time, and while it raised a few eyebrows, it fit perfectly with Coe’s larger-than-life persona. Whether people found it creepy or cool, it was just another day in the life of David Allan Coe.

5. When Johnny Cash Called Him Out

David Allan Coe and Johnny Cash shared a mutual respect, but their friendship wasn’t without its competitive moments. Once, during a recording session, Cash jokingly called Coe out for trying to outdo him with a particularly gritty lyric. The two had a playful back-and-forth about who was more of an “outlaw,” but in the end, they shared a laugh and a bottle of whiskey. Coe always admired Cash’s wit and ability to keep him on his toes.

6. The Time Coe Played a Show Barefoot (And Shirtless)

David Allan Coe has never been one for following rules, and that includes dress codes. At one outdoor festival, Coe strolled on stage completely barefoot and shirtless, looking more like a beach bum than a country singer. The audience was baffled at first, but as soon as he started playing, they realized they were in for a wild ride. Coe’s carefree attitude toward his appearance only made him more beloved by fans who knew they were getting the real deal.

7. The Mysterious UFO Encounter

One of the stranger stories in Coe’s life came during a late-night drive through the desert, where he claimed to have seen a UFO. According to Coe, the lights hovered above his car for a few minutes before disappearing into the night sky. While some chalked it up to a hallucination or a trick of the light, Coe stuck by his story, insisting that he had experienced something otherworldly. Whether you believe in UFOs or not, the story adds a whole new layer to Coe’s already wild life.

8. The Songwriting Session That Turned Into a Food Fight

Coe’s creative process was often chaotic, and that was never more apparent than during a songwriting session that devolved into a full-blown food fight. Coe and his bandmates were working on a new track when someone made a joke about Coe’s favorite dish—chili. What started as a playful remark quickly escalated, and soon, chili was flying across the room. Coe, of course, embraced the chaos and kept writing through the mess, proving that inspiration can strike even in the strangest circumstances.

9. The Time He Tried to Start a Country-Rap Band

Long before country-rap became a mainstream genre, Coe had the idea to combine the two styles in a band he wanted to call “Outlaw Funk.” The concept was ahead of its time, and while it never fully took off, Coe’s experimental spirit was undeniable. He recorded a few tracks that mixed his country roots with funk and rap influences, and while they weren’t commercial hits, they showed Coe’s willingness to push the boundaries of music.

10. The Fan Meet-and-Greet That Turned into a Camping Trip

During one of his tours, Coe decided to take fan interaction to the next level by inviting a group of die-hard followers to join him for a camping trip after a show. What started as a casual meet-and-greet turned into an all-night adventure in the wilderness, complete with campfire songs, ghost stories, and plenty of whiskey. For the fans lucky enough to be there, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that they still talk about today.

11. The Fight Over a Stolen Cowboy Hat

Coe’s love for cowboy hats is well-known, but one night, things got heated when someone swiped his favorite hat backstage. Coe, never one to back down, confronted the culprit and demanded its return. A brief scuffle ensued, and while no one was seriously hurt, Coe’s determination to protect his hat made for a legendary story. The hat was eventually returned, and Coe made sure to keep a closer eye on his prized possessions from then on.

12. The Wild Studio Recording with Willie Nelson

David Allan Coe and Willie Nelson are both icons in their own right, but when they teamed up for a recording session, things got a little out of hand. The two legends spent as much time swapping stories and laughing as they did making music. At one point, they even took a break to play poker, with Coe winning a round thanks to a lucky hand. The camaraderie between the two made for a memorable session, and the music they created was pure gold.

13. The Car He Built from Spare Parts

In one of his more eccentric DIY projects, Coe decided to build his own car using only spare parts he had collected over the years. The resulting vehicle was a Frankenstein-esque creation that somehow managed to run, despite its hodgepodge construction. Coe proudly drove it around for months, much to the amusement of his neighbors and fans. It may not have been the prettiest car on the road, but it was uniquely Coe’s.

14. The Time He Almost Got Arrested for Busking

Despite his fame, Coe has always stayed true to his roots, including his love for busking. One day, on a whim, he decided to set up shop on a busy street corner and play for passersby. His impromptu performance drew a crowd, but it also caught the attention of local law enforcement. Coe was almost arrested for performing without a permit, but after recognizing who he was, the officers let him off with a warning. Coe later joked that it was the closest he had come to being a “starving artist” in years.

15. The Legendary Guitar Smash

Coe’s rebellious streak was on full display during a particularly rowdy concert where, in a fit of passion, he smashed his guitar on stage. The crowd went wild, but Coe immediately regretted the decision when he realized it was his favorite guitar. He spent the rest of the show apologizing to the audience and lamenting the loss of his beloved instrument. The smashed guitar became a symbol of his larger-than-life persona, and fans still talk about the incident to this day.

16. The “Outlaw” Wedding

In true outlaw fashion, Coe’s wedding to one of his wives was anything but traditional. The ceremony took place on a ranch, with attendees dressed in leather and cowboy boots. The reception included a mechanical bull and a barbecue, and the wedding cake was topped with miniature biker figurines. Coe’s outlaw country lifestyle was reflected in every detail of the day, making it one of the most unique weddings in music history.

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17. The Time He Sang Karaoke in Disguise

Despite his fame, Coe still enjoys blending in with regular folks from time to time. On one occasion, he decided to attend a karaoke night at a dive bar, but he didn’t want to be recognized. Coe donned a wig, sunglasses, and a fake mustache before belting out one of his own songs to the unsuspecting crowd. When the audience cheered, completely unaware of who was singing, Coe couldn’t help but laugh. He later revealed his true identity, much to the shock and delight of the patrons.


David Allan Coe’s life is filled with colorful stories that reflect his wild, rebellious, and larger-than-life personality. From outrageous pranks to heartfelt moments with fans, these anecdotes are just a glimpse into the unpredictable world of a true outlaw. Coe’s legacy as a storyteller, musician, and larger-than-life character will continue to entertain and inspire for years to come.

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