16 Fascinating Facts About Sergey Bubka You Probably Didn’t Know

by Coco

Sergey Bubka, the Ukrainian pole vaulter who redefined what it means to soar, is not just known for his world-record-breaking leaps but also for the colorful stories that surround his life. With a career that spanned decades, Bubka became a household name in the world of athletics, setting 35 world records and becoming the first man to clear six meters. But behind the serious athlete was a man full of wit, charm, and a knack for getting himself into amusing situations. From playful pranks to incredible feats of athleticism, Bubka’s life is filled with anecdotes that are as legendary as his jumps. Let’s dive into some of the most memorable stories that capture the spirit of this extraordinary athlete.

1. The Time He Vaulted Over a Car

One of Sergey Bubka’s most famous anecdotes is the time he decided to put his pole vaulting skills to the test in a rather unconventional way. During a promotional event, Bubka was challenged to vault over a car—a challenge he accepted with a grin. With a crowd of onlookers holding their breath, Bubka sprinted down the runway and launched himself into the air, clearing the car with room to spare. The stunt was met with wild applause, and Bubka’s reputation as a daredevil was cemented. It’s not every day you see someone leap over a car, but for Bubka, it was just another day at the office.

2. The Day He Beat the Clock

Sergey Bubka was known for his incredible speed and precision, but one day, he took these skills to a whole new level. During a training session, Bubka’s coach joked that he could probably set up the pole, run, and vault all within the time it takes most people to get ready. Bubka, never one to back down from a challenge, decided to prove his coach right. In an incredible display of speed, Bubka set the pole, sprinted down the track, and cleared the bar in record time—leaving his coach speechless. The story quickly spread among his teammates, further fueling the legend of Bubka’s superhuman abilities.

3. The Secret to His Success: A Lucky Charm?

Every athlete has their rituals, but Sergey Bubka’s was a bit unusual. Before every competition, Bubka would reach into his bag and pull out a small, worn-out toy that he had kept since childhood. This toy, a tiny stuffed bear, was Bubka’s lucky charm, and he swore that it gave him the extra boost he needed to clear those impossible heights. Whether it was superstition or just a comforting ritual, Bubka never competed without his little bear by his side. To this day, he credits much of his success to this tiny companion, a quirky detail that adds a touch of charm to his larger-than-life persona.

4. The Time He Challenged a High Jumper

Sergey Bubka was always up for a friendly competition, even if it meant stepping outside his comfort zone. During a track meet, Bubka jokingly challenged a high jumper to see who could clear the bar at the highest height. The high jumper, confident in his abilities, accepted the challenge. But Bubka, with his incredible athleticism, wasn’t one to be underestimated. With a few quick adjustments, Bubka used his pole vaulting technique to clear the bar, much to the high jumper’s surprise. The playful competition ended with both athletes laughing and shaking hands, but it was clear that Bubka could excel at just about anything he put his mind to.

5. The Flying Suitcase Incident

Traveling the world as an elite athlete often means dealing with a few travel mishaps, and Sergey Bubka had his fair share. One of the most memorable incidents happened at an airport when Bubka’s suitcase was accidentally sent down the wrong baggage claim chute. Instead of panicking, Bubka decided to take matters into his own hands—literally. Using his strength and agility, he climbed onto the baggage conveyor belt and vaulted over to the other side, retrieving his suitcase with ease. The onlookers were stunned, and the story of the “flying suitcase” quickly became a favorite among his fans.

6. The Training Mishap Turned Triumph

Even the best athletes have their off days, and Sergey Bubka was no exception. During a particularly grueling training session, Bubka was struggling to clear the bar, repeatedly knocking it down. Frustrated but determined, he decided to take one last shot. This time, as he approached the bar, something clicked. Bubka launched himself into the air with perfect form and cleared the bar with ease, setting a new personal best. The triumph was even sweeter because it came after a string of failures, proving that perseverance pays off—even for a world champion.

7. The Day He Outsprinted a Sprinter

Sergey Bubka was known for his speed on the runway, but few people realized just how fast he really was. During a casual training session, Bubka decided to race a sprinter, just for fun. The sprinter, confident in his own speed, agreed, thinking it would be an easy win. But Bubka, with his explosive power, quickly left the sprinter in the dust, crossing the finish line well ahead. The onlookers couldn’t believe their eyes—Bubka had just outsprinted a sprinter! The story spread like wildfire, adding another layer to the legend of Bubka’s incredible athleticism.

8. The Accidental World Record

Sergey Bubka’s career is full of world records, but one of them came about in a rather unexpected way. During a competition, Bubka was feeling particularly good and decided to go for a higher bar than usual. To everyone’s surprise, he cleared it with ease, setting a new world record. The crowd went wild, but Bubka himself seemed almost nonchalant about the whole thing. Later, he admitted that he hadn’t even realized how high the bar was—he was just focused on his form. The accidental world record became one of Bubka’s most famous achievements, a testament to his natural talent and focus.

9. The Time He Vaulted Over a River

Sergey Bubka’s love for pole vaulting didn’t stop at the track. One day, while on a camping trip with friends, Bubka came across a wide river that looked impossible to cross. Instead of taking the long way around, Bubka decided to use his pole vaulting skills to jump over the river. His friends watched in amazement as he sprinted toward the river, planted his pole, and soared across, landing perfectly on the other side. The stunt became a legendary story among his friends and is still talked about today as one of Bubka’s most daring feats.

10. The Time He Helped a Fellow Athlete

Despite his competitive nature, Sergey Bubka was always willing to lend a helping hand to his fellow athletes. During one competition, a young pole vaulter was struggling to clear the bar, clearly nervous and unsure of himself. Seeing this, Bubka walked over and offered some words of encouragement, even giving the young athlete some tips on his technique. With Bubka’s guidance, the young vaulter was able to clear the bar on his next attempt, earning a personal best. The moment was a touching reminder of Bubka’s generosity and his willingness to support others, even in the heat of competition.

11. The Unplanned Street Performance

Sergey Bubka’s passion for pole vaulting often spilled over into unexpected places. One day, while walking through the streets of a small town, Bubka noticed a group of kids trying to jump over a low fence. Without hesitation, he borrowed a broomstick from a nearby shop, set it up like a makeshift pole, and began giving the kids an impromptu pole vaulting lesson. The scene quickly attracted a crowd, with people cheering as Bubka demonstrated his skills. The unplanned street performance was a hit, and the kids got a once-in-a-lifetime experience with one of the greatest athletes in the world.

12. The Day He Vaulted Through a Window

Sergey Bubka’s daring nature sometimes led him into tricky situations. During a training camp, Bubka’s pole vaulting practice was interrupted by a sudden rainstorm. Not wanting to waste time, he decided to practice indoors. Spotting an open window in the training facility, Bubka set up his pole and, with a powerful sprint, vaulted through the window, landing safely inside the building. The stunt left his teammates in awe and added another wild story to Bubka’s collection of incredible feats.

13. The Friendly Bet

Sergey Bubka loved a good challenge, especially when there was a friendly bet involved. During a team outing, one of Bubka’s teammates bet that he couldn’t clear a certain height without his usual pole. Always up for a challenge, Bubka accepted the bet and improvised with a nearby tree branch. Despite the unconventional equipment, Bubka managed to clear the height, much to the amazement of his teammates. The bet became a running joke among the team, with Bubka earning the nickname “The Vaulting Magician” for his ability to turn anything into a successful jump.

14. The Time He Vaulted Over a Fence to Escape a Dog

Even Sergey Bubka wasn’t immune to the occasional run-in with an unfriendly dog. While out for a jog, Bubka found himself being chased by a particularly aggressive canine. Thinking quickly, he spotted a nearby fence and used his pole vaulting skills to leap over it, leaving the dog behind. The incident became a humorous story among his friends, who couldn’t help but laugh at the image of the world’s greatest pole vaulter using his skills to escape a dog.

15. The Day He Competed Against Himself

Sergey Bubka was known for constantly pushing the limits, and one day he decided to see just how far he could go—literally. During a training session, Bubka set up two bars at different heights and decided to see if he could clear both in one attempt. After clearing the first bar, he quickly reset and vaulted over the second, successfully completing the challenge. The feat was a testament to Bubka’s incredible endurance and determination, and it quickly became one of the most talked-about stories in the pole vaulting community.

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16. The Pole Vaulting Duel

Sergey Bubka was always up for a bit of friendly competition, and one of his most famous anecdotes involves a pole vaulting duel with a rival athlete. The two competitors decided to settle their differences by seeing who could clear the highest bar in a series of jumps. The duel went back and forth, with both athletes pushing each other to new heights. In the end, Bubka emerged victorious, but the real winner was the sport of pole vaulting, as the duel showcased the incredible talent and sportsmanship of both athletes.


Sergey Bubka’s life is a treasure trove of incredible stories that go far beyond his record-breaking achievements. His daring stunts, playful challenges, and unwavering determination made him a true legend both on and off the field. These anecdotes offer a glimpse into the personality of a man who not only conquered the world of athletics but did so with a sense of humor and a love for life that continues to inspire. Whether he was vaulting over rivers, cars, or even himself, Bubka always approached life with the same passion and excitement that made him a champion.

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