13 Interesting Facts About Jackie Joyner-Kersee

by Coco

When it comes to the world of track and field, few names shine as brightly as Jackie Joyner-Kersee. With a career that boasts multiple Olympic medals and world records, Jackie’s athletic prowess is nothing short of legendary. But behind every medal lies a story, and Jackie’s life is filled with funny, inspiring, and downright fascinating anecdotes. Whether she was jumping, running, or throwing her way to victory, Jackie always did it with a smile and a flair that left fans in awe.

1. The One with the Flying Earring

During one of her many long jump competitions, Jackie was known for her iconic earrings that would sparkle as she soared through the air. But once, in the middle of a particularly intense jump, one of her earrings decided it wanted to take flight, too! As she landed, she noticed one of her signature hoops was missing. Ever the professional, she simply smiled, retrieved the earring, and went on to win the event. Fans joked that the earring just couldn’t keep up with her, proving that even her accessories couldn’t handle her speed!

2. The Time She Outsprinted Her Husband… in Heels!

Jackie Joyner-Kersee wasn’t just a track star; she was also a master of many trades—including the art of running in heels. During a charity event, her husband, Bob Kersee, challenged her to a fun race. The catch? Jackie was in a dress and high heels. To everyone’s amazement (but no one’s surprise), Jackie not only accepted the challenge but also won the race effortlessly. She later quipped, “Who needs sneakers when you’ve got style?” proving that she could outshine anyone, anywhere, anytime.

3. The Cheerleader Who Became a Champion

Before she became a household name in athletics, Jackie Joyner-Kersee had dreams of being a cheerleader. In high school, she was known for her spirited performances on the sidelines, cheering on her team with the same enthusiasm that she later brought to the track. Little did anyone know that the girl with the pom-poms would go on to become one of the greatest athletes of all time. Jackie often joked that all that cheerleading was just practice for her victory celebrations!

4. The Woman Who Turned Injury into Inspiration

In the 1996 Olympics, Jackie suffered a severe hamstring injury that almost ended her quest for gold. Most athletes would have bowed out, but not Jackie. Despite the pain, she pushed through and managed to earn a bronze medal in the long jump. Her determination and resilience left everyone in awe. She later joked, “The hamstring tried to slow me down, but it didn’t know who it was dealing with!” This episode only solidified her status as a true champion.

5. The Time She Took on Michael Jordan…and Won!

Jackie Joyner-Kersee’s talents weren’t confined to track and field; she was also a fierce competitor in just about anything she tried, including basketball. During a friendly game of HORSE with none other than Michael Jordan, Jackie managed to outshoot the basketball legend! Jordan, ever the good sport, laughed it off, saying, “Maybe I should stick to my day job.” Jackie, with her signature smile, replied, “Or maybe you should try the long jump!” It was all in good fun, but it was clear that Jackie could hold her own against anyone.

6. The Superstitions That Brought Her Super Wins

Like many athletes, Jackie had her superstitions. Before every competition, she would perform a quirky little dance in the locker room to “shake off the nerves.” Her teammates and coaches would often catch her mid-boogie, but they knew better than to interrupt. Jackie believed that her pre-race dance rituals brought her luck, and with her record, who could argue? She once said, “If dancing helps me win, I’ll keep dancing!” And dance she did—all the way to the top of the podium.

7. A Heart of Gold on and off the Track

Jackie Joyner-Kersee’s kindness was as legendary as her athleticism. Known for her charity work, Jackie has always been committed to giving back to her community. She founded the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation, which aims to provide athletic and educational opportunities to young people. But what many don’t know is that Jackie would often stay long after her events to sign autographs, chat with fans, and offer words of encouragement to aspiring athletes. “Winning is great,” she would say, “but helping others win is even better.”

8. The Day She Almost Missed Her Race… Because of Ice Cream

Jackie has always had a sweet tooth, and her love for ice cream is well-documented. Before one particularly important meet, Jackie decided to indulge in a giant ice cream sundae. Lost in her dessert, she almost lost track of time! With just minutes to spare, she sprinted to the track (thankfully not in heels this time) and managed to win her race. Afterward, she laughed and said, “Maybe I should add ice cream to my training diet!” Fans couldn’t help but love her even more for her down-to-earth charm.

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9. The Signature Smile That Won Hearts Everywhere

Jackie’s smile was her secret weapon. No matter how intense the competition or how high the stakes, she was always seen flashing her brilliant smile, even during the most nerve-wracking moments. It was said that her competitors feared that smile more than her speed—because they knew it meant she was ready to win. Jackie once remarked, “I smile because I love what I do, and when you love something, winning comes naturally.” And win she did, with that infectious grin leading the way.

10. The Time She Jumped Over Her Own Records… Literally!

Jackie Joyner-Kersee wasn’t just breaking records; she was practically leaping over them. In one of her famous long jump attempts, she soared so far that she almost landed outside the pit! Officials had to check the distance twice because they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. When asked how she managed such a feat, Jackie jokingly replied, “I just imagined the sand was a giant mattress, and I was jumping into bed!” Her light-hearted attitude made her a fan favorite, and her extraordinary talent kept the record books busy.

11. The Family That Trains Together, Stays Together

The Joyner-Kersee family was known for their athletic prowess, and Jackie’s brother, Al Joyner, was also an Olympic gold medalist. The two siblings often trained together, pushing each other to new heights. Their sibling rivalry was the stuff of legend, with each trying to outdo the other in friendly competitions. Jackie once said, “If you want to get better, train with someone who knows you better than you know yourself—and who better than family?” It was this family bond that helped propel both of them to Olympic greatness.

12. A Woman of Many Talents… Including Gardening!

When she wasn’t busy training or competing, Jackie Joyner-Kersee loved spending time in her garden. She found peace in tending to her flowers and vegetables, often saying that it was her way of unwinding after a tough day. But Jackie being Jackie, even her garden had to be the best! Her tomatoes were the envy of the neighborhood, and she took great pride in her green thumb. “It’s just like training,” she would say, “You have to nurture what you plant to see it grow.”

13. The Day She Met Her Match… in a Young Fan

Jackie Joyner-Kersee has met countless fans throughout her career, but one young fan left a lasting impression. After winning a particularly tough competition, Jackie was approached by a little girl who handed her a crayon drawing of the athlete. The drawing depicted Jackie with wings, soaring above the track. Touched by the gesture, Jackie told the girl, “You’ve got it right—I do fly when I’m out there!” The picture still hangs in Jackie’s home, a reminder of the inspiration that flows both ways between athletes and their fans.


Jackie Joyner-Kersee is a true legend, not just for her incredible achievements on the track but for her vibrant personality and generous spirit. From her flying earrings to her pre-race dances, Jackie’s life is a tapestry of inspiring and humorous moments. Whether she was racing in heels or nurturing her garden, Jackie brought the same passion and joy to everything she did. Her stories remind us that greatness is about more than just winning—it’s about living life with heart, humor, and an unbreakable spirit.

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